Andrew Matthews Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Andrew Matthews

  • Andrew Matthews is an author, cartoonist and speaker.
  • His books, "Being Happy!" and "Making Friends" are International best-sellers in 20 countries and have been translated in 8 languages, with total sales in excess of 1 MILLION COPIES.
  • His cartoon drawings illustrate issues, his humour and compelling messages has him speak and conduct seminars to sales conferences, government departments, banks, insurance companies, retail chains and service organisations.

Topics for Andrew Matthews

  • Being Happy
  • Making Friends

Testimonials for Andrew Matthews

“A message sprinkled with humor, artistic flair and good common sense … our people thoroughly enjoyed it and have talked about Andrew’s presentation ever since.”
McDonalds Australia

“Stimulating and entertaining … Your presentation was certainly a highlight of the conference.”
Australian Stock Exchange

“If our teaching could be so effective, it would be incredible!”
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“A special talent with such great information.  You have a unique quality that helps and encourages all whose lives you touch.”
LETN, Dallas USA

“The best speaker we have ever seen!”
Garage World, Australia

“Your talk was not only inspirational, it was packed with good old fashioned common sense and so applicable to our daily lives.”

“Your presentation was both entertaining and inspiring, and many of the attendees are now spreading the “Being Happy!” message.  Your presentation was particularly relevant to my sales staff, as well as giving their partners and other guests plenty of food for thought.”
Westpac Banking Corporation

“You sent our two thousand delegates away laughing – and with food for thought.  A perfect presentation.”
Life Underwriters Association of Singapore

“You certainly brought a breath of fresh air to the after lunch session in your unique manner.  Your amicable personality shone through as you presented in clear and concise terms.  I’m sure your message was received loud and clear.”
Australian Institute of Credit Union Management

“Thank you once again Andrew for an entertaining and insightful presentation.  Your ‘down to earth Aussie style’ was very refreshing and your skill at creating the cartoons illustrating your points impressed us all.”

“The relevance of your presentation, and in particular, the homework you put into preparing yourself for this presentation was outstanding.  To come across in the manner that you did with such subtlety and a solid message is a rarity in today’s circles.”
Eagle Boys Pizza

“You will be pleased to hear that your session rated No.1 in the content and delivery of your presentation.”
1995 Australasian Franchising Conference

“Your presentation was the perfect conclusion and a highlight of the most successful conference we have ever held.  Your highly entertaining and stimulating performance commanded a high degree of audience participation and a great deal of favourable comment later.”
Local Government Association South Australia

“Inspirational at all levels.  The solutions you presented are useful not only in the selling arena but in all aspects of life and relationships.  I received numerous comments from partners as to the relevance of your presentation.”

“Extremely well received. Even though the audience came from diverse backgrounds and age groups, you captured not only their attention but their imagination.  When the laughter finally died down, the messages that remained were very powerful.”
BOC Gases

“Highly entertaining and motivating … Congratulations on the superb job you’ve performed for us at the functions around Australia.  We received many letters and notes from attendees exclaiming that they really enjoyed your show and that they are now ‘being happy’ and smiling throughout their day.”
International Distribution Specialists

“Andrew and his magical drawings … held the delegates attention from his opening remarks through to his closing comments.  His mix of comical, serious, light and meaningful ensured that all 300 salespeople left with long and lasting thoughts on what it means to be responsible for your own future.”
Telstra Australia

“It was obvious that you had gone to some trouble to find out about our company, both cultural aspects and business drivers … an excellent presentation – all participants were very impressed.”
AMS Communications

“The conference was a huge success and ended on a high note with your presentation on the last day.  People felt elated after your presentation.”
Australian Association of Career Counsellors

“A superb presentation.  You will be pleased to know that your presentation was rated exceptional in the delegate survey.”
Nursery Industry Association of Australia

“Your presentation was exceptionally well received in all six cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth … one of our most successful ‘roadshows’ ever.”

“Since returning from our Fiji conference, I have had many delegates contact me and without exception they have commented on what a fantastic presentation – and exhibition of skill – you gave us in showing us how to be happy and enjoy life.”
ANZ Bank

“Andrew, the feedback from our delegates has been fantastic.  Many of the delegates have made special mention of you, complimenting your enthusiastic and energetic presentation.”
Toshiba, Australia

“Thought provoking and highly entertaining.  The feedback from the group was excellent.  I have recommended you as a professional speaker to my colleagues throughout Coca-Cola Amatil.”
Coca-Cola Amatil

“Thank you for a memorable presentation at our L J Hooker International Business Convention.  What a wonderful relaxed style you have and how you can hold the audience!  I heard nothing but great accolades regarding your session.
L J Hooker.

“Talking to a group of cynical Australian Surgeons at their Scientific Meeting is never easy, but Andrew’s presentations, with just enough topical material to add relevance, came to be regarded as the highlight of the meeting, with enthusiastic comments being received from International guests.  A refreshing interlude in the midst of a pressured few days of intense scientific discussion."
The Australian Society of Oto-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery Ltd

“Inspiring talk – energetic and entertaining… set the tone for positive change, set the scene for our whole conference.  We would love to have you back next year.
Dymocks Booksellers

“A unique presentation, which left a lasting impression on our customers”.

“A wonderful experience - interesting and entertaining. I enjoyed it immensely. Like everyone in the audience, I related to your simple and humorous examples of life’s mountains and pitfalls. I was most impressed by your total professionalism.”

“Inspirational.  Everyone who attended took away something of real value both personally and professionally.  Thank you!"
Honda Australia Pty Ltd