Craig Hollywood: Out and About

As Western Australia’s Local Hero in the 2022 Australian of the Year awards, there’s no doubt Craig Hollywood is a much-loved and cherished member of his local region. While this is undoubtedly the case, the value Craig brings to our society is in fact of truly national, if not global, significance. Not only is he an innovative motivational speaker and businessman with a knack for thinking outside the box, but the love and work that he has put back into his community time and time again will truly move you.
As a Civil Engineer and Principal Technical Officer with over 20 years of experience, Craig always understood both the power of a sharp new haircut, and the importance of meaningful conversations. That’s exactly why, after noticing a service delivery gap for those in need in the community, Craig founded the volunteer-led for purpose organisation Short Back and Sidewalks in 2015.
The program has expanded across the country ever since, and SBSW continues to touch and change the lives of people across the nation by providing positive connections and breaking the stigma attached to vulnerable members of the community, one free haircut at a time. Not only has Craig found a creative and innovative way to help some of the most at-risk people in our society, but his remarkable story about positively impacting communities through the simple act of giving a free haircut is inspiring the next generation to give back.
While Craig has been an active member volunteering at all levels of SBSW since its establishment, he is currently responsible for the national expansion and strategic partnership of SBSW, and his passion and drive has helped to grow its service delivery across Australia. However, Craig also believes no one service or organisation can single-handedly end homelessness, and is keen to share how we can create a real opportunity to do better for the Aussies who need us most by bringing resources together to provide better wrap-around support, and achieve much greater outcomes by combining all of our ideas and efforts. He’s a strong believer that collaboration is key to any success, but first we have to connect with each other again.
SBSW founder Craig Hollywood is a passionate, down-to-earth, community leader with a heart of gold and knack for thinking differently about how we can change society for the better. An expert collaborator and team builder, he has so much to share about the power of positive connections and how together, we can make a difference by activating social consciousness and re-framing the conventional to the inspirational. Craig truly embodies what is good about society, and his openness, humility and determination for more inclusivity is inspiring. Not only is he an engaging and charismatic motivational speaker who talks from the heart, but his inspirational story and message will leave a lasting impact that will allow you to think differently about the mark we want to leave in this world.