Dylan Alcott – Able Foods

Almost all of our clients will be familiar with Dylan Alcott OAM. At just 30, he’s won three Paralympic gold medals in both wheelchair basketball and tennis, is the current number 1 seed in both singles and doubles wheelchair tennis and has won 14 grand slam singles titles. 14!
But Dylan isn’t just a sports star. In 2017 he launched the Dylan Alcott Foundation to help young Australians living with disabilities, co-founded Ability festival in 2018, wrote an autobiography; Able: Gold medals, grand slams and smashing glass ceilings, and is a tireless disability advocate and philanthropist.
Not even the year 2020 could hold Dylan back; last year he launched his podcast series ListenABLE with friend and radio host Angus O’Loughlin, interviewing members of the disabled community to learn more about their lives, and ask “off-limit” questions.
Last year also saw Dylan launch his most ambitious project yet: Able Foods, a ready-made food company. The company is disability-voice led, hiring members of the disabled community and disability advocates, and provides fresh food developed by specialist dieticians with accessible packaging, texture-modification options, brail packaging and never exceeds a co-payment of $2.
It’s an idea and a company that will not only change its customer’s lives, but will reach every member of the disabled community in Australia. We can’t wait to see what Dylan does next in 2021 – we’re sure he’ll smash it!