12 Jul 2024

Financial Pressures & Mental Health: Speakers to Help Your Team Cope

Financial Pressures & Mental Health article banner by Denise Flowerday

The cost-of-living crisis is not going away, and with media and marketing continuing to remind us at every turn, it is more than our bank balances being stressed!

Living costs continue to rise, adding to the pressure pot of mental stress of those already experiencing financial difficulties. The toll on our mental health to manage our financial position, take care of our families and ourselves is escalating.  

Not only are we mentally stressed about our finances, the cost of supporting mental health is also adding to the financial burden, personally and for the Government.  It is widely reported that stress from increased and prolonged financial pressure can inflame pre-existing mental health conditions, and bring anxiety and depression.

It is safe to say that we are being hit from every angle and, in my opinion, it would be fair to say some areas of consumerism are taking advantage of the opportunity to hit us in the back pocket (or plastic swipe). Yet, as I wander through the closest shopping plaza, there is a never-ending queue of consumers doing what consumers do – buying ‘stuff’.

There are many commentators suggesting how we can reduce our financial stress.  ‘Refinance your mortgage with another lender’ they say, break up with your bank, etc, etc. I question if any of these ‘experts’ have recently applied for a mortgage or tried to refinance – the goal posts keep changing and in many cases, it is unlikely you will get reapproved. I recently experienced a 50% reduction in borrowing capacity within a period of 6 months, without any change in circumstances. Add to that, retirement coming in to land, adding to the financial mental stress – how much do I need, how long will I need it for, what will I be able to afford, etc.     

To ease the mental stress, we need to understand where our money is going and find more practical ways to use it. Recently, several organisations have taken the initiative to engage financial experts to host workshops for their staff and show them practical budgeting.  Taking full account of your income distribution can be confronting, especially when you add up those coffees every week.

Learning how to manage your money is a life skill and budgeting is part of that process. Finance management should be taught in schools as basic education – like driving a car – it is a life skill and everyone should understand how to use their money, saving, debt, superannuation, tax savings, capacity to pay debt etc.   

Think about how you can assist your team to ease the mental stress of the financial crisis by inviting an expert speaker to share valuable tips on how to minimise the impacts of financial stress. 

Tammy Barton 

Tammy is the creator of My Budget, a system to help people allocate and distribute funds to set goals and ease financial stress. 

Jason Cunningham 

Jason has decades of experience advising those wanting to get ahead, with cutting edge insights from his own business journey. 

Noel Whittaker 

Noel gives fabulous advice on retirement and setting up your financial future.

Effie Zahos 

Effie can take your team through a budgeting training session so they know how much it costs them to live, and how to manage these costs. 

Molly Benjamin 

Molly will empower your team with financial education to make them fierce with finances.

List of Mental Health Speakers

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Interested in booking one of our speakers? Call us now on 1800 334 625 or make an enquiry online.


About the Author. 

Denise has over 30 years experience in corporate management and owning successful businesses. She is a qualified business coach and ICMI Franchisee, who has the insight and ability to understand her clients’ needs and outcomes, allowing her to recommend the best speaker to meet any brief. 

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