Peter Shepherd: Out and About

Can you imagine leading a company that specialises in … being a better leader? Well that’s exactly what executive coach and forward-thinking entrepreneur Pete Shepherd does as the Founder and Director of Human Periscope. Pete is on a mission to help leaders become even better at what they do, or at least should be doing. The secret to his approach? Focussing on the real, human skills of leadership, especially key tools like empathy, curiosity and humility. Human Periscope specialises in coaching and leadership development, but Pete is also a renowned speaker and presenter with an incredible knack for using humour and storytelling to bring his topics to life. His inspiring talks are consistently met with rave reviews from those lucky enough to hear him speak, and he’s highly regarded for his practical lessons that seem to be able to make a transformative and lasting impact on the social and professional landscape of just about any workplace!
Pete has coached thousands of leaders, change-makers, executives and companies right around the world, and he’s done so for well over a decade now, working with everyone from Google, Kraft Heinz and Woolworths, to UNICEF, Westpac and The Australian Navy! He’s also supported numerous social change organisations and some of the world’s brightest independent minds, including 20 times best-selling author, entrepreneur and world-renowned speaker and teacher Seth Godin, for whom he worked as Head Coach for the global leadership workshop, altMBA, for 4 years. Pete is also a highly regarded TEDx speaker, and co-host of The Long and The Short Of It, a weekly podcast with Jen Waldman that has over 200 episodes and an impressive 500,000+ downloads across 100+ countries!
On top of all of that, Pete makes time to write a weekly blog designed to coach leaders, creatives and changemakers, and is co-creator of The Big Ideas Lab – an intensive 6-week workshop that teaches people around the world the skills, tools, and techniques for creating and delivering high-impact content. Clearly, Pete is well-qualified to teach even the highest of executives a thing or two about modern leadership and how to practice effective, human-centred leadership skills. He has a huge toolkit of practical tips at his disposal about human-centred change management, resilience, and team building, as well as how these ideas intersect with people and culture in the workplace, and how leaders can embrace a coaching posture to motivate, energise and get the most out of their teams. These potent lessons consistently translate to real-world results, as Pete proves time and time again that he knows exactly how to practice what he preaches and deliver effective and efficient solutions to all of his clients. Even senior executives at Google said that they want to keep expanding their collaboration with Pete because he was so effective that “after just one short session 100% of participants were able to identify tangible next steps and felt reinvigorated.”
Pete Shepherd is a deeply engaging and inspirational speaker who uses practical tools, clever humour and captivating storytelling to help companies and leaders around the world to better understand the people around them, and build more effective teams. We are sure Pete can help almost anybody better understand how to lead to the absolute best of their ability. Everybody needs a slice of Pete’s infinite wisdom, and we feel privileged to be able to share his principles of human-centred leadership with you.
Call 1800 334 625 to book Peter for your next event.