Kick Off Your 2025 Conference With Our Fantastic MCs

Planning a conference in 2025? A great MC is key to helping things run smoothly.

ICMI Speakers Book Club

Here at ICMI, many of our keynote and guest speakers are best-selling authors wh…

How Your Workplace Can Benefit From a Mental Health Speaker

Over the years, attitudes have shifted around mental health and wellness in Aust…

5 benefits of hiring a mental health speaker for your next corporate event

Since the onset of the pandemic, it’s become clear that mental health is one of…

Top 5 mental health speakers in Australia for schools

School children have been uniquely affected by the Covid-19 crisis in Australia.

Top 5 Mental Health Speakers in Adelaide & South Australia

In light of the situation we all find ourselves in, lockdowns, quarantine, masks…

‘Are you ok?’ is a question we should be asking every single day of the year

“Are you OK?” are three simple words that truly have the power to change a perso…

What to do if the answer to the question ‘R U OK?’ is NO!

R U OK? Day 2024 is rapidly approaching, and what more relevant time could it be…

Eating, Drinking & Binge Watching TV: What we do when we R not OK…

Annually, RU OK? day rolls around and there are many positive intentions from or…

R U OK? Day 2024: From One Man’s Pain Comes a Whole World of Hope

Contents:   Overview The History of R U OK? Day How to ask if someone’s ok…

Don’t PIVOT, just rethink the plan

It’s no secret the world has been put on its head. 12 months on, business leader…

International Women’s Day Keynote Speakers

Quick links:   Women’s health motivational speakers Leadership speake…