Graham Harvey Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Graham Harvey

  • Graham Harvey is an award-winning professional speaker inducted into the Professional Speakers Australia Hall of Fame in 2018.
  • Graham Harvey is the bestselling author of Seducing the Vigilante Customer - 101 winning strategies to attract & retain happy customers and healthy profits.
  • Since 1986, Graham Harvey worked with myriad business organisations across the tourism & hospitality, professional services, not-for-profit, and education sectors.
  • Graham Harvey is recognised as one of Australasia’s foremost thought leaders on service design & customer experience.

Topics for Graham Harvey

  • Design! Deliver! Delight!
    what it takes to create a culture of service excellence that delights every client ... every time!
    A leading edge business development workshop for the professional services sector The world of business has changed, especially in the Professional Services sector. No longer is best product, best service, or best price enough to standout or compete in today’s highly competitive marketplace.
    Business today is all about experience … an all-encompassing multi-sensory experience that your clients encounter when they do business with you.
    However, standout client experiences don’t happen by chance … they are the result of detailed design, disciplined delivery, and distinctive delight.
    So ...
    • What is service design?
    • How do you create a whole-of-organisation culture of service excellence?
    • How do you establish and execute your business values … every time, without fail?
    • How do service values translate into non-negotiable behaviours?
    • What is the true purpose of business?
    • Why are your clients really doing business with you?
    • What’s the difference between client service & client experience?
    • How, by understanding the six senses of service, (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, somatosensory, and visceral/emotional) can you design & deliver a truly standout service experience that delights even your most demanding of clients, giving them a ‘reason to return’, and a ‘reason to refer?’
    • Why does EVERY touchpoint matter?
    • How do you make the all-important shift from ‘commodity and price,’ to ‘experience and value?’
    • What does it take to ensure that ‘choice-rich, time-poor’ clients, when faced with a multitude of options, choose to do business with you, and not your competition?
    • Why, in today’s crowded ‘same stuff, same price’ marketplace, is ‘good’ client service the enemy of ‘great’ client service?
    • What are the essentials in establishing mutually-rewarding business relationships?
    • How and why is the high-quality of front-line relationships the key driver of high-quantity bottom-line results?

These questions and a whole lot more are all answered during the course of this high impact, highly-interactive half-day Professional Development workshop facilitated by Graham Harvey – award-winning Professional Speaker, Business Coach, Service Designer, and best-selling author of ‘Seducing the Vigilante Customer - 101 winning strategies to attract and retain happy customers and healthy profits.’

  • Playing a higher game
    Why are the New Zealand All Blacks the most successful professional sports team in the world?
    Why is Apple the most valuable company in the world?
    Why does Harvard University consistently rate as the world’s best?
    Sure, the All Blacks play a pretty mean game of Rugby; and since its founding in 1976, Apple has demonstrated its ability to ‘think different,’ continually creating innovative leading edge products the world didn’t know it needed; and Harvard has a nearly four-hundred year history of Academic excellence. But those real-world realities don’t openly reveal what makes them the best in the world.
    What makes them the best in the world is an uncompromising high-trust, high-performance culture of service excellence underpinned by a clear set of non-negotiable values and behaviours.
    The good news is that the respective culture, values, ethics, behaviours, purpose and principles of the All Blacks, Apple, Harvard, and countless other successful business, not-for-profit, educational and sporting organisations are not a secret … they are available for all to see, understand, and apply to your own business, organisation, or team.
    Playing a Higher Game is a leading-edge workshop detailing what it takes to reap the bountiful rewards of raising your business / organisation / team to a higher level of excellence and performance by establishing and implementing your own unique set of cultural values, ethics, and behaviours.
    So, what is culture?
    … put simply, culture is the why and the way we do things around here; the cumulative result of the interplay between the organisation’s mission (purpose), vision, values (principles), ethics, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits; culture is your organisation’s only truly unique identifier; it’s like a finger print, it may be similar to others, but it is uniquely distinct to your business, your organisational DNA genetic code.
    What are values and ethics?
    … values are the foundation stones that support an organisation’s culture, the filters through which the importance of organisational choices and activities are assessed; whereas ethics underpin a moral stance that helps an organisation decide what is right and wrong. Together, values and ethics provide the operating philosophies and principles that guide an organisation's internal conduct and behaviours, as well as its relationships with customers, clients, partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
    What is behaviour?
    … behaviour is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others, inside and outside the workplace; on and off the field of play.
    Playing a Higher Game is a deep dive into what makes high-performing business organisations successful and provides an easy-to-use methodology for you to determine and establish a set of values and principles upon which to build or enhance your very own high-trust, high-performance culture of service excellence.
    The presentation also includes a detailed explanation of what it takes, and the benefits to be had, both business-wise and individually, by ‘playing above the line.
    Playing a Higher Game also includes a review, from a behavioural perspective, of the Six Senses of Service contained in the Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience workshop.
    The benefits of developing a high-performance culture of excellence awaits you … it’s simply a matter of knowing what it takes to determine your own set of values and behaviours in order to access those rewards. Playing a Higher Game is deliverable in both interactive workshop and keynote presentation formats.

Testimonials for Graham Harvey

The term “a breath of fresh air” is the best way I can describe Graham Harvey’s Design! Deliver! Delight! workshop. As a member based organisation, there is nothing more important than customer service. There are many customer service workshops; however, Graham’s workshop is superior. It is partly about the way he delivers the material in an easy to understand way and also about the way he gets you thinking outside the box. Graham’s passion inspired the audience and it truly reignited their fire for delivering exceptional service to our customers. It was an absolute joy to hear my Managers talking about this workshop which was absolutely on the money and a lot of fun. Their staff have been coming up to them with new and improved ways of thinking and working. Graham did an outstanding job and I highly recommend this workshop to anyone interested in going above and beyond with customer service.
Chief Executive Officer
Western Australian Local Government Association

I recently attended Graham Harvey’s Design! Deliver! Delight! customer service workshop. Simply put Graham’s experience, clear communication, and common sense, no nonsense approach to improving customer service made this workshop extremely valuable, and one which I shall be recommending to many of my colleagues and clients. Graham’s emphasis on professionalism and excellence seeks to go where most other customer service ‘experts’ fear to tread, and he’s absolutely right to do so. There are no short cuts to making a client feel they are the most important thing in your business, and Graham’s six-senses model is such a wonderful way to view what we create, and how we can play a bigger game. As someone who believes that serving our clients is what all businesses should be about,
this workshop was exceptional.
Human Rights Lawyer, Professional Speaker

As a professional services firm we pride ourselves on our customer service focus and it forms a very important part of our offering. We engaged Graham Harvey through his Design! Deliver! Delight! workshop to address our entire team, from accountants through to support staff, and the feedback from all has been excellent. Graham delivers his material in an easy to understand way and has aided our team to refocus on the most important thing, our clients and making their experience with us a rewarding and enjoyable one. A key learning has been Graham’s point that the one thing that truly differentiates all professional service firms is their people. Thank you to Graham, a very practical and rewarding investment for our practice that I expect will benefit us for many years to come.
Matrix Partners Tax & Business Advisors

Since the [Design! Deliver! Delight!] workshop we have made many improvements and have noticed a real positive reaction both internally and externally. We have regular meetings now regarding ways we can improve or change the services we give to our clients to enable us to provide them with the best experience possible. It’s amazing how one presentation can open so many opportunities for staff to share ideas. The changes in our office have made our team more effective and efficient.
RSM Australia

Your Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience program was very enlightening and very well received by our staff who have fully taken your program on board. We have made some changes with our dress code, cleaning up the office, added some fragrances and are implementing many of your other suggestions. Our clients have commented on some of our initiatives in a positive manner. It’s amazing how small changes can have such a large impact. We are still working with many of the ideas where staff implement the top 5 ideas from your performance evaluation checklist which affect the office, and the top 5 which affect our clients. We then vote on what will have the biggest impact, implement the ideas, and then move on to the next 5. The staff have found it very engaging and have also been able to have a say in implementing those ideas. Thank you for your presentation and for assisting us with your program. I can recommend this program as it has definitely changed our office for the positive.
RSM Australia

I attended Graham Harvey's 'Design! Deliver! Delight!' seminar after being recommended to do so by a colleague. I am so glad I did. At the time, I was about to open RWKs third office in Bunbury. I took so much from the seminar and a lot of the fit out of the office is based around tips I picked up from Graham. How to make the three offices feel the same and make sure the 'RWK experience' was consistent and awesome. The focus on how to AMAZE your clients was something I loved. It is something so often overlooked … it really is the little things that make the biggest difference. Your vision and passion for what you do should resonate through all aspects of your work-space and business if your clients and customers are to get it. Highly recommended.
RWK Accountancy

The Design! Deliver! Delight! Customer Service workshop is essential participation for all those who are in the business of people to people relationships (which is almost everyone in business!). For business people wanting to ensure consistency and high standards in the service, presentation, and rapport with customers and clients alike from their team, attending this workshop should be mandatory professional development. Graham Harvey has a clear, compelling and passionate argument for the cause that makes his presentation thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking. While we think they are very good already, our talented young team learnt a lot from graham’s positive wisdom and advice.
BHR Papalia Accountants

Our entire team thoroughly enjoyed your delivery of Design! Deliver! Delight! Your material was well researched, thought out, and was delivered in a very fluid and natural way. We enjoyed your frequent use of real-life examples which kept the whole presentation entertaining and relevant to our firm. We highly recommend your workshop to other businesses who value customer service; be it at a new business level; or as a reminder to focus on the experience provided to customers.” and though-out
Smith Thornton Accountants

We have used Graham Harvey on many occasions in a variety of roles, from delivering his renowned Design Deliver Delight customer experience professional development workshop to all our doctors and staff, to facilitating strategic planning sessions for our senior management team. Our overall experience has always been hugely satisfactory, and it is particularly in regard to the latter that we found significant value from Graham’s contribution. His raw passion for customer service combined with his keen interest in knowing our business in detail, made him as much part of the team as he was the facilitator, whilst never allowing this to detract him from his primary role, facilitating. We have also greatly valued his continuing support and encouragement for the future growth and development of our business. It is for these reasons that I will always turn to Graham for advice and he’ll be the first person I contact when next we require someone to lead a strategic planning session.
Chief Executive Officer
Priority MediCentre

The City of Bunbury recently engaged Graham Harvey to deliver the Design, Deliver, Delight Customer Experience programme to a large number of our Staff, as well as a specific programme for our Customer Service Team. This is the second time that I have had the program delivered to local government staff (from my time at a previous local government and now at the City of Bunbury). The reason why Graham was engaged is that he is well known for this program and once again, participants provided exceptional feedback on the programme. The delivery of the programme to staff was perfectly timed to coincide with the commencement of developing new organisational staff values and also reiterating the delivery of internal and external customer service across the organisation. I highly recommend Graham and this programme to other organisations!
Chief Executive Officer
City of Bunbury

Graham Harvey presented his customer experience program to business owners in the Marradong Country region (comprised of the Shires of Boddington, Wandering, and Williams). Graham’s Design! Deliver! Delight! program was just the tonic our community needed to raise the standard of customer service across the district, in both the private and public sectors. The workshop was very comprehensive, extremely clear and highly memorable. The investment in Graham’s workshop was certainly worthwhile and I have no hesitation in recommending his programs to other towns and communities seeking to enhance their customer’s experience and build a stronger brand as a result.
Director Economic Development
Shire of Boddington

As a Community service organization, we often felt we already knew what great customer service was, as that’s what we do daily. Graham Harvey’s Design Deliver Delight Seminar quickly showed us that while we did provide good customer service, how much better our customer experience could be through simple changes making our great service exceptional. Graham's style is interactive and entertaining. However, he is a straight shooter who pulls no punches. He makes people think and uses concrete relevant examples to drive home his point. The presentation was attended by staff at all levels across our organization, and all came away energised and invigorated. All commented on Graham’s ability to make things relevant, and how through real life examples, they too could offer stand out service. If you want your business to grow and be renowned for stand out excellence in customer service, call Graham and start your journey to excellence.
Chief Executive Officer
Community Home Care

The Design, Deliver and Delight session was energetic, informative and interactive. The practical examples shared by Graham Harvey throughout the session were relatable, thought provoking, generated discussion and encouraged our team to take personal responsibility. My key takeaway was, “it’s the simple things that enhances our clients’ service experience.
Chief Executive Officer
Forrest Personnel

Graham Harvey delivered his Design! Deliver! Delight! service excellence programme at our recent HHG Legal Group Staff Retreat. As usual, Graham was well received. He kept a room of lawyers and administration staff challenged and attentive at all times. Focussing on HHG’s [retreat] theme of ‘Service, Service, Service’, Graham combined cutting edge management theory with the reality of commerce in the modern age. Every idea was practical and had relevance to our business. Even the object lessons! We will continue to avail ourselves of Graham’s vast experience and ability over the years to come.
Executive Chairman
HHG Legal Group

If you want someone to come into your business to deliver all the information you find in business books, to work to a fixed agenda and to make everyone feel good, then Graham Harvey is not for you. But, if you want someone who tells the truth, deals with the real issues, talks from personal experience in business and life generally, and who works with you so that your company can grow and prosper, call Graham Harvey.
Chief Executive Officer
.au Domain Administration

…the Design! Deliver! Delight! programme provided staff with a better insight into what is required to strive to the heights with customer service. Graham Harvey ran the programme with energy and skill, and consequently secured a high level of engagement. His follow-up guidance has assisted with our commitment to rigorous self-review and continuous improvement. I recommend Graham and his programmes highly to any organisation pursuing excellence in customer service.
Former Principal
Methodist Ladies College
(now Principal, Geelong Grammar School)

… management meeting participants rated Graham’s Design! Deliver! Delight! Customer Experience presentation as #1. Graham Harvey took the time to understand our business, which ensured he was able to deliver a presentation that challenged our staffs’ view of the Customer Experience, whilst providing tangible suggestions and alternative practices tailored to suit our business. Participant feedback included: “one of the best speakers I have listened to. Very refreshing and easy to understand,” “excellent speaker, if he comes again I would love to send other staff to listen to him speak.” “ I personally stand by his point that ‘Frontline Relationships drive Bottom-Line Results.” Thanks again for delivering a well thought-out, professional and highly engaging presentation.”
Regional Community Manager
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

Often we discount the importance of day-to-day focus on customer service and the fact that collectively, it’s the little things that make so much difference in the longer term. People may not notice something you miss in regard to service, but they sure do notice when your actions stand out above what they experience elsewhere. Thanks Graham for addressing our teams and for highlighting the areas where they can shine in their interactions with our clients and prospective clients. Wonderful presentation and highly recommended to any business owner looking for an edge.
Managing Director/Regional Owner
RE/MAX Western Australia

Your Design Deliver Delight workshop really challenged us to think more deeply about our business from a customer perspective, and with this renewed focus I am positive that not only will our Sales and Property Management Teams benefit from what you shared, but our entire Support Team as well. Your presentation was not only very well researched, clear, concise and to the point, but also very entertaining and delivered in a very relevant and reality focused manner, with tons of take-home value that we could immediately put into practice. We will definitely engage your services again, and I have no hesitation in recommending your training to anyone in the service industry.
Acton Real Estate, Mandurah

Graham Harvey’s Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience programme has made, and continues to make, a very positive impact and difference to the way we deliver service excellence to our valued customers. Everyone came away with tips and ideas about how to deliver exceptional service to our customers. We all learnt how to be that point of difference in our industry.
Business Manager
Champion Lakes Vet Centre

The term “a breath of fresh air” is the best way I can describe Graham Harvey’s Design! Deliver! Delight! workshop. As a member based organisation, there is nothing more important than customer service. There are many customer service workshops; however, Graham’s workshop is superior. It is partly about the way he delivers the material in an easy to understand way and also about the way he gets you thinking outside the box. Grahams passion inspired the audience and it truly reignited their fire for delivering exceptional service to our customers. It’s was an absolute joy to hear my Managers talking about this workshop which was absolutely on the money and a lot of fun. Their staff have been coming up to them with new and improved ways of thinking and working. Graham did an outstanding job and I highly recommend this workshop to anyone interested in going above and beyond with customer service.
Chief Executive Officer
Western Australian Local Government Assn.

I recently attended Graham Harvey’s Design! Deliver! Delight! customer service workshop. Simply put Graham’s experience, clear communication, and common sense, no nonsense approach to improving customer service made this workshop extremely valuable, and one which I shall be recommending to many of my colleagues and clients. Graham’s emphasis on professionalism and excellence seeks to go where most other customer service ‘experts’ fear to tread, and he’s absolutely right to do so. There are no short cuts to making a client feel they are the most important thing in your business, and Graham’s six-senses model is such a wonderful way to view what we create, and how we can play a bigger game. As someone who believes that serving our clients is what all businesses should be about, this workshop was exceptional.
Human Rights Lawyer
Professional Speaker

As a professional services firm we pride ourselves on our customer service focus and it forms a very important part of our offering. We engaged Graham Harvey through his Design! Deliver! Delight! workshop to address our entire team, from accountants through to support staff, and the feedback from all has been excellent. Graham delivers his material in an easy to understand way and has aided our team to refocus on the most important thing, our clients and making their experience with us a rewarding and enjoyable one. A key learning has been Graham’s point that the one thing that truly differentiates all professional service firms is their people. Thank you to Graham, a very practical and rewarding investment for our practice that I expect will benefit us for many years to come.
Matrix Partners Tax & Business Advisors

“Since the [Design! Deliver! Delight!] workshop we have made many improvements and have noticed a real positive reaction both internally and externally. We have regular meetings now regarding ways we can improve or change the services we give to our clients to enable us to provide them with the best experience possible. It’s amazing how one presentation can open so many opportunities for staff to share ideas. The changes in our office have made our team more effective and efficient.
RSM Australia

The City of Bunbury recently engaged Graham to deliver the Design, Deliver, Delight Customer Experience programme to a large number of our Staff, as well as a specific programme for our Customer Service Team. This is the second time that I have had the program delivered to local government staff (from my time at a previous local government and now at the City of Bunbury). The reason why Graham was engaged is that he is well known for this program and once again, participants provided exceptional feedback on the programme. The delivery of the programme to staff was perfectly timed to coincide with the commencement of developing new organisational staff values and also reiterating the delivery of internal and external customer service across the organisation. I highly recommend Graham and this programme to other organisations!
Chief Executive Officer
City of Bunbury

Thank you for developing the [Visitor Experience] baseline assessment for the Busselton and Dunsborough CBD’s, which we will use to measure progress over time as the City’s Economic Development Strategy and other City initiatives are implemented. The conduct of your research and presentation at the forum was greatly appreciated. We will now use the customer experience review document to systematically make improvements on how the CBD presents to a visitor with reference to the six senses (visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch and feel). Your presentation received very positive feedback from participants and was well delivered and findings of the research communicated clearly.
Economic & Business Development Coordinator
City of Busselton

The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale recently commissioned Graham Harvey of Service EQ to design and deliver a Management Leadership Workshop. All of the Shire Management Team attended, and the response was one of great engagement and quality learning with valuable takeaways that are already making a difference in individual performance and organisational outcomes. Graham has a great ability to communicate his message and interact with participants that make the day both enjoyable and full of learning. What you learn you can apply, and that is what’s most important to our team.
Manager Economic Development
Tourism and Marketing, Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale

The Design Deliver Delight workshop was very engaging and inclusive. Professionally presented to our participants including frontline customer service staff across the whole organisation; from the Civic Administration Centre to Holiday Parks and the Recreation Centre. Staff took away loads of positives and many points Graham brought up will help them to improve their own centres and areas of business and build on their individual personalities, so they can continue to provide excellent customer service.
Coordinator Revenue & Customer Service
Shire of Augusta Margaret River

Graham was engaged to provide a fresh perspective on the purpose and meaning behind customer service, and the different methods that may be utilised to enrich the overall customer service experience. Via his renowned Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience workshop, Graham was able to connect with the participants, who work in diverse roles within Local Government such as the Leisure Centre, Planning, Rates, Rangers and Human Resources. In fact, Graham was able to draw on that diversity with ease and apply real life examples to communicate the relevant learnings, which really assisted staff in understanding the points conveyed in the workshop. Attendees remarked how much they enjoyed Graham’s interactions during the workshop, which they found thoroughly engaging, were never bored and how quickly the time flew by!
Human Resources Officer
Shire of Murray

Graham Harvey presented his customer experience program to business owners in the Marradong Country region (comprised of the Shires of Boddington, Wandering, and Williams). Graham’s Design! Deliver! Delight! program was just the tonic our community needed to raise the standard of customer service across the district, in both the private and public sectors. The workshop was very comprehensive, extremely clear, and highly memorable. The investment in Graham’s workshop was certainly worthwhile and I have no hesitation in recommending his programs to other towns and communities seeking to enhance their customer’s experience and build a stronger brand as a result.
Director Economic Development
Shire of Boddington

Graham Harvey is clearly passionate about the ever-changing world of customer service and delivers an impassioned message to those who utilise his training services. Graham’s Design! Deliver! Delight! programme on customer experience and service excellence is both incredibly motivating and thought provoking. It was certainly the precursor to the wave of change happening within our organisation and has added a significant level of diversification of thought and creativity in taking our customer service to the next level. It will certainly assist us with becoming a leader in the delivery of professional customer service both internally and externally. I can highly recommend Design! Deliver! Delight! to everyone involved in Local Government or the service sector.
Senior Customer Support Officer
City of Bunbury

On behalf of the Prison Management Team and the Offender Services Prison Counselling Service at Casuarina Prison, we would like to thank you for the excellent presentation you delivered at our Professional Development day. You were able to bring together a diverse group such as operational staff, Psychologists and Social Workers by creating an environment that was both stimulating and enjoyable. Your practical and downto-earth presentation engaged the audience immediately, yet at the same time challenged everyone to look at how to think and resolve problems differently. Of particular value were the exercises you had prepared to highlight the significance of effective communication and teamwork. The feedback from the staff certainly indicated that all participants not only enjoyed the sessions but found them to be a very constructive and rewarding experience.
Manager Offender Services, Casuarina Prison, Corrective Services
Superintendent, Casuarina Prison, Corrective Services

If you want someone to come into your business to deliver all the information you find in business books, to work to a fixed agenda and to make everyone feel good, then Graham is not for you. But, if you want someone who tells the truth, deals with the real issues, talks from personal experience in business and life generally, and who works with you so that your company can grow and prosper, call Graham Harvey.
Chief Executive Officer
.au Domain Administration

As a Community service organization, we often felt we already knew what great customer service was, as that’s what we do daily. Graham’s Design Deliver Delight Seminar quickly showed us that while we did provide good customer service, how much better our customer experience could be through simple changes making our great service exceptional. Grahams style is interactive and entertaining. However, he is a straight shooter who pulls no punches. He makes people think and uses concrete relevant examples to drive home his point. The presentation was attended by staff at all levels across our organization, and all came away energised and invigorated. All commented on Graham’s ability to make things relevant, and how through real life examples, they too could offer stand out service. If you want your business to grow and be renowned for stand out excellence in customer service, call Graham and start your journey to excellence.
Chief Executive Officer
Community Home Care

The Design, Deliver and Delight session was energetic, informative and interactive. The practical examples shared by Graham throughout the session were relatable, thought provoking, generated discussion, and encouraged our team to take personal responsibility. My key takeaway was, “it’s the simple things that enhances our clients’ service experience.
Chief Executive Officer
Forrest Personnel

Graham Harvey from Service EQ presented his Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience and service excellence programme to our group of 15 Hotel General Managers and key executive in May 2017. We spent 4 hours going through practical and innovative service concepts and ideas which reignited our commitment to delivering great customer service. The workshop really fostered a renewed energy and passion in our senior management team. It has been a few months now since the presentation and we are still identifying and implementing ways to improve our customer journey, thanks to the Service EQ workshop.
Executive Director - Hotels
Prendiville Group

Prior to opening Yarri, as part of their induction, all of our restaurant team, kitchen included, participated in Graham’s Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience workshop. I had attended myself 6 months earlier and thought it was exceptional. Graham is an engaging educator and was able to share his knowledge and experience of customer service, people’s perceptions, and day to day business knowledge with us. Book yourself in … you won’t be disappointed!
Owner/Restaurant Manager
Yarri, Dunsborough

…since you provided training for our Front Office and Reservations teams we are achieving some fantastic results, both financial and customer service oriented. Your training has definitely assisted in creating an environment that is both stimulating and enjoyable and the staff have picked up and run with the new initiatives that we developed from your training.
Rooms Division Manager
Cable Beach Club, Broome

As a small tourism business operator, your professional development workshops “Design! Deliver! Delight!” and the “13 + 1 P’s of Marketing” (and the accompanying materials and workbooks) have delivered some real “light bulb” moments, and have enabled us to make both subtle and significant changes to take our tourism product and guest services to a whole new level. During our many one-on-one business-coaching sessions, you have challenged our traditional thinking, and as such have empowered us to consider and implement new innovations whilst building on our well documented tried and tested business strengths. All this culminated in us winning the Hosted Accommodation Gold Medal at the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, and being admitted into the Australian Tourism Hall of Fame. We appreciate and value your continuing encouragement, straightforward manner, and honest feedback during an exciting time in our family business – thank you!
The Beach House at Bayside, Albany

The guests and staff of Gold Coast Tourism have all provided exceptionally complimentary feedback regarding your customer service presentation. The content and style of your presentation were both outstanding, and well received by all guests who admitted that they have seen many speakers and presentations over many years – this is a credit to you Graham.
Gold Coast Tourism

Graham delivered his Design! Deliver! Delight! Customer Experience programme to our Management Team and Heads of Department with a great deal of energy and passion, which engaged the group immediately and had them ‘spellbound’ for the entire presentation. All participants said, “WOW, what a great day!” Graham’s enthusiasm and ability to deliver great content, real life examples and talk from real experience brought the whole group together to discuss our business! I highly recommend Graham’s expertise and we will certainly be continuing to use him in the future for more of the same!
General Manager / Owner
Abbey Beach Resort, Busselton

Graham Harvey from Service EQ has been a very important part in assisting us with the design and delivery of providing our cellar door and restaurant guests with an extraordinary customer service experience. Graham's meticulous attention to detail in creating a memorable customer experience and service excellence, communicated through his excellent professional development programme Design! Deliver! Delight! (which we have participated in), has enabled us to set a very high benchmark in terms of the standards and quality that we have built into our service systems, processes and staff development. This has also enabled us to stand out and create a highly distinctive point of difference in a very competitive marketplace.
Managing Director/Vigneron
The Lake House, Denmark

On behalf of Australia’s Golden Outback, I want to thank you for coming to Esperance and Kalgoorlie and conducting your service presentations. The manner in which you delivered the information kept everyone entertained for the full duration at each location. The fact that you use real life examples from other major companies ensured that everyone related to your message and they all left saying they could apply some aspect of what they learnt for their own business. I personally feel the whole State could benefit from your seminars.
Chief Executive Officer
Australia’s Golden Outback

Graham has a flare for delivering a message that resonates with the reality of the customer experience, particularly regarding hospitality where the ability to engage the guest is even more paramount than it has ever been. I have attended and enjoyed two training sessions with Graham over the past couple of years, including Design! Deliver! Delight! His knowledge can teach us all new things and remind us of things that we thought we already knew but had forgotten to communicate and practice. The Mangrove Hotel has taken many of the strategies discussed into its operating model and the rewards have been clear to see in terms of both staff behavior and guest experience.
General Manager
Mangrove Hotel, Broome

Having personally attended Graham’s Design! Delight! Deliver! Customer experience workshop, I was enlightened by the experience and realised just how important customer service really is to my business and my brand. I found the workshop enjoyable and positive and it was clear by the enthusiasm of all the participants that this was an engaging and interactive “lesson” in the constantly evolving arena of consumer behaviour and expectations. As a result of the workshop I have engaged Graham to undertake a comprehensive report into our executive team to assist in ensuring we are delivering the very best customer experience possible. In the subsequent months, both of my front of house managers have attended the course and I look forward to putting as many staff through this training as possible.
Managing Director
ADAMS Coachlines

The feedback we received from delegates was extremely positive. They enjoyed your candid observations and practical advice on how to provide a great customer service experience and keep their patrons coming back.
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Hotels Association WA

After seeing Graham’s presentation at the Hospitality Expo, I knew his Service EQ Workshop was just what we needed to empower our business. Graham thoroughly engaged our team leaders with exciting insights into the delivery of excellence in customer service. For us, it was about nurturing our own culture with a deeper understanding of the most essential elements of service. Design! Deliver! Delight! has brought some really great stuff out of our team, and four weeks later we are still gaining momentum. I would highly recommend Service EQ to any business that wants to gain a competitive advantage by earning lots of rave reviews!
Settlers Tavern, Margaret River

Graham’s presentation was very good! He made sure that his winning strategies leading to customer gratification were entirely understood by participants … the whole course was interesting and fun. Providing customer service training to our employees did not just enhance experience for the customer, it has also improved the staff knowledge and skills, boosting team leader’s confidence and morale by making them realise the significant part they play in our organisation. Now that our employees are equipped with much more confidence and competency in customer service, we believe that we can achieve higher retention of our regular patrons and will be able to acquire new ones! Overall, this customer-oriented culture created a positive ambience in the venue. I would highly recommend Service EQ to any organisation which intended to improve their ability to serve and be recognised as one of those who thrive rather than those who fail in this experience economy.
Paddington Ale House

I thoroughly enjoyed Design, Deliver, Delight, in fact I didn’t want to leave. The presentation is engaging and tangible. The workbook is perfect to write notes and refer to later. What Graham preaches, he puts into practice with his own presentation … the choice of a comfortable venue, name tags, the way he addresses the audience, and delicious catering to name a few examples. His presentation is fun but with a purpose, and that purpose challenged me to not only lift my standards, but to work with other people who lift my standards. I highly recommend this presentation to everyone because we all deserve to strive for the highest in business.
Chief Executive Officer & Winemaker
Galafrey Wines, Mount Barker

The real value of the Design! Deliver! Delight! programme has been the increased awareness by all staff of the importance of each of the hundreds of customer touch-points that occur every single day here at the Quality Hotel Lighthouse. Greater attention to detail in all aspects of service delivery is occurring and staff have become far more proactive in anticipating the needs of guests and taking personal responsibility to ensure every guest has a memorable experience during their stay with us. We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of positive Trip Adviser reviews and our staff now foster and embrace all feedback received.
General Manager
Quality Hotel Lighthouse, Bunbury

We invited Graham to speak at our New Zealand Taxi Federation conference after hearing him address a similar conference in Perth. Design! Deliver! Delight! showcased the detail some companies around the world are prepared to go in order to meet their customers’ expectations time and time again. More importantly, Graham was able to transmit the important message that showed these efforts being directly translated into bottom line gains. Linking these two fundamental concepts together in an enjoyable and entertaining speech struck a chord with the audience and produced some very positive feedback. I would also like to highlight Graham’s personal style and desire to help. One of our speakers was unable to attend and Graham kindly stepped in with an impromptu exercise that helped cement some of the themes he had talked about. We will undoubtedly be inviting Graham back to address us again in the near future to help reinforce these themes.
Executive Officer
New Zealand Taxi Federation

Graham is someone who truly cares about his customers, a characteristic which is so important in the hospitality industry. His vast experience in the industry has provided him with a wide range of real life hands-on experiences, which he incorporates into all his training and seminars; they aren't stories he has read from books, they are real and from the heart. Graham has strong emotional intelligence which allows him to deal with people from all strata’s of life in a way that engenders good relationship building and the establishment of a sense of ‘team’ that is essential in today’s volatile business environment.
Chief Executive Officer
Joondalup Resort & Country Club, Perth

Graham Harvey has twice delivered his Design Delight Deliver programme at my hotel … both times have been a tremendous success. The content of his course covers all aspects of the tourism and hospitality industry, and everyone comes away feeling refreshed and enthused to deliver the best service possible. Even seasoned hospitality veterans come away having been reminded of important service elements they may have forgotten over the years. All my key staff have attended Graham’s course and all have thoroughly enjoyed the content matter and the refreshing and interactive way it was delivered. As a future protocol for my business, I will make a point of sending all new managers and key staff to Graham’s seminar as part of their induction.
Managing Director
Stay Margaret River

Graham presented his half-day Design! Deliver! Delight! customer experience workshop at the recent SA Parks Annual Conference. The workshop was a great success. Delegate feedback stated how much value people got out of the session and the great practical advice and ideas they could take back to assist them with running their respective Caravan Parks. Graham was an enthusiastic and generous speaker whose ideas and examples were very pertinent to the tourism and hospitality industries. We would have no hesitation in recommending Graham to assist tourism operators to improve their business and customer service in the dynamic and changing tourism market.
Executive Officer
SA Parks

On behalf of Caravan Industry Australia WA, I wish to thank you for your professional presentations at our annual conference. The comments from delegates were all excellent. Your research of our industry and easy approach made the sessions of great value to our members. It was a pleasure working with you. Thank you for contributing to the success of our conference.
Executive Officer
Caravan Industry Australia, Western Australia

Graham was just the tonic we needed to help us refresh our brain power and thinking and from that develop our own strategies to moving forward and giving us a point of difference in our services offered. Graham is passionate about his programme [Design, Deliver, Delight], is himself customer service driven, and delivers his training in an engaging, collaborative, thoughtful, and easy to listen to style. The senior executive team enjoyed the session very much and we commenced exploring the ideas that came out of the workshop straight away.
Chief Operations Officer
Seashells Hospitality Group

I have worked with Graham Harvey a number of times as he has delivered his Design, Deliver, Delight, Customer Experience and Service Excellence program to groups of staff including my senior leadership team, teaching and administration staff at Great Southern Grammar School in Albany, Western Australia and Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, Tweed Heads and Terranora in New South Wales. Graham encourages staff to think deeply about what makes a great customer experience. He encourages all staff regardless of their position in the School to walk in the shoes of the customer and view the quality of the engagement with the School from that perspective. Graham’s message is transformational. After he has presented to the schools I have led, I have observed greater staff dialogue and action around the need to provide an excellent customer experience for all the stakeholders that we serve, in and beyond our school communities. I would highly recommend Graham Harvey as a facilitator who will have an impact on your staff and bring about a strong focus on service excellence in the schools that you lead.
Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School

This programme provided Methodist Ladies’ College staff with a better insight into what is required to strive to the heights of customer service. Graham ran the programme with energy and skill and consequently secured a high level of engagement. His follow-up guidance has assisted with our commitment to rigorous self-review and continuous improvement. I recommend Graham and his programmes highly to any organisation pursuing excellence in customer service.
Methodist Ladies College
(now Principal, Geelong Grammar School)

Graham has since delivered a refresher course of his Design! Deliver! Delight! program to our Operations staff. The feedback from new staff who experienced Graham for the first time was extremely positive. What was also very pleasing was the feedback from staff who were experiencing Graham a second time. Many commented positively not only about the refresher points, but also noting new learnings they experienced. Thank you very much again Graham for an engaging delivery of such a valuable program. MLC will continue to benefit from your program well into the future.
Director of Corporate Services
Methodist Ladies College

I am happy to report that each of the staff, some initial scepticism notwithstanding, not only enjoyed the engaging and lively pace of the workshop, but also gained some highly practicable and useful tools which could immediately be employed into their day to day roles. I am able to wholeheartedly recommend Graham Harvey to any organisation seeking to consolidate, improve or monitor its customer service standards.
Perth College
(now Head of College, Oxley College)

Design Deliver Delight course was a salutary reminder of what really constitutes excellent customer service, and it was incredibly rewarding to see the content of the course was relevant to all participants regardless of their areas of responsibility.
Director of Communication & Engagement
Christ Church Grammar School

Graham Harvey presented his Design, Deliver, Delight Customer Experience programme to the entire staff of Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School. His engaging style and professional preparation to deliver subject material and commentary that was relevant to our diverse workforce was exemplary. Many people commented on the value of the ‘takeaways’ that Graham’s presentation provided and how these were easily introduced and were immediately effective. Staff are now actively pursuing other goals and initiatives in a collegial manner with the benefit of Graham’s advice and encouragement. Past comments have converted into valuable ideas and workplace improvements. Thank you
Head of School
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

We engaged Graham’s services on two levels. The first was to work with administration staff, the second with all our teaching staff. Both professional development workshops gave us tangible, workable strategies that could be implemented directly – without cost!! Graham’s knowledge of the customer interface was well received by all. We were very fortunate to have Graham deliver to the staff, knowing that the customer experiences from now on will be further enhanced in a positive way.
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Thank you coming to the college and presenting to all staff on ‘Design Deliver Delight.’ I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and it resonated with me in many ways. There have been many interesting discussions in the past week, and I am encouraged by the positive response. Our Head of Grounds and Maintenance told me the next day that following your presentation he drove out of the College and straight back in making a list of signs and first impressions as he went. He followed this up with “there is a lot to do but we’ll get there.” You have provided us with wonderful momentum as we move into our next stage of strategic planning.
Swan Christian College

Professional development courses can always invoke a level of cynicism or ‘why are we doing this’. It is safe to say that this was well and truly overcome before we reached morning tea! You were able to convey the importance of customer service to a broad range of staff, across many disciplines. Their eyes were opened to ‘touchpoint experiences’ with customers; where, when, and how they occur, and that everyone in the organisation has an important part to play. We are now having conversations about improving systems, processes and the look and feel of what we do. Design! Deliver! Delight! was a real positive experience. Moving forward your program will form part of our Consultative Committee, follow-up sessions, and continuous improvement workshops.
Director of Finance & Corporate Services
Presbyterian Ladies College

We learnt that great customer experiences happen by design and that each of our staff members, whether teaching or operational, have an individual part to play in contributing to parents and students’ experiences of our schools. Your workshop provided us with real insight and understanding that each member impacts on the reputation of the school, supporting it grow. To put it your way … Everything Matters! Your experience and knowledge have stayed with us and we are implementing your strategies with enthusiasm. I would highly recommend your services to any school or business that strives for excellence and seeks to create lasting value for their customers.
Marketing & Development Manager
Swan Christian Education