Jana Pittman Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Jana Pittman

  • Jana Pittman made history as the first Australian woman to compete in both the Summer and Winter Olympics, showcasing her adaptability and unyielding spirit in the face of adversity.
  • After a stellar athletic career, Jana pursued her passion for helping others by becoming a doctor, specializing in Women’s Health and earning prestigious academic honors along the way.
  • As an ambassador for the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation, Jana uses her platform to raise awareness about cervical cancer, driven by her personal experiences with cervical dysplasia.
  • Balancing her demanding career and personal life, Jana is a devoted mother of six, demonstrating that with perseverance and love, one can thrive in both family and professional pursuits.

Topics for Jana Pittman

  • Just Jana. Join Jana Pittman on a journey beyond the racetrack
    This keynote dives into the hurdles she faced, both on the track with devastating injuries, and off the track in her pursuit of medical excellence. Jana will share her unwavering resilience, the power of self-belief, and the importance of reinvention. Discover how she continues to redefine success, inspiring audiences to overcome their own challenges and achieve greatness, all delivered with her signature wit and warmth.
    Jana's keynote "Just Jana" not only shares her remarkable journey but also equips audiences with practical insights and motivational lessons that empower them to navigate challenges and pursue their dreams with resilience and determination. 
    What the audience will learn:
    • The importance of resilience and determination in achieving long-term goals.
    • Strategies for overcoming obstacles and setbacks effectively.
    • Insights into the mindset and mental strength required to succeed in competitive environments.
    • How to harness challenges as catalysts for personal and professional growth.
      What the audience will take away:
    • Inspiration to persevere in the face of adversity and pursue ambitious goals.
    • Strategies for developing resilience and maintaining motivation during challenging times.
    • A deeper understanding of the mental attributes needed for success.
    • Empowerment to view obstacles as opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • Overcoming fear. It holds us back from our dreams. But what if you could conquer it?
    Join Jana Pittman, World Champion and fearless competitor, as she unveils the strategies, she used to overcome crippling fear and achieve peak performance. Learn how to identify your fears, develop a growth mindset, and embrace the discomfort of pushing your boundaries. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, Jana will equip you with the tools to silence your inner critic, step outside yourcomfort zone, and achieve your full potential. Jana's keynote "Overcoming Fear" not only provides audiences with practical tools and strategies but also empowers them with the mindset and motivation needed to confront fears, embrace challenges, and achieve their full potential in life and work.
    What the audience will learn:
    • The psychological and emotional impact of fear and its manifestations.
    • Personal anecdotes and experiences of overcoming fear from Jana's career and life.
    • Strategies and techniques for managing and conquering fear.
    • The importance of resilience, courage, and self-belief in facing challenges. Practical insights into developing a mindset that empowers individuals to confront fears effectively.
      What the audience will take away:
    • Inspiration and motivation to confront their own fears and challenges.
    • Practical strategies and tools for managing and overcoming fear in various aspects of life.
    • Increased self-awareness regarding their own fears and how to address them.
    • A deeper understanding of the role of resilience, courage, and self-belief in achieving personal and professional goals.
  • Finding your inspiration: Your why. Feeling lost? Lacking motivation?
    World Champion and doctor Jana Pittman shows you how to unlock your inner fire in this inspiring keynote. Explore the power of "Why" - the driving force behind your goals and dreams. Jana shares her own journey, from overcoming setbacks to achieving athletic excellence. Through practical tips and personal anecdotes, she'll guide you to discover what truly motivates you. Learn to tap into your passions, build unwavering purpose, and ignite the spark that will propel you towards your personal best. Jana's keynote "Finding Your Inspiration: Your Why" not only guides audiences through a journey of self-discovery but also equips them with practical insights and tools to infuse their lives with purpose and drive.
    What the audience will learn:
    • The importance of understanding and defining personal purpose and motivation.
    • Techniques and exercises to uncover their own "why" or deeper reasons behind their goals.
    • Insights from Pittman's experiences as an elite athlete and medical professional.
    • How to harness clarity of purpose to drive passion, persistence, and achievement.
    • Practical strategies for aligning personal goals with deeper motivations to foster fulfilment and success.
      What the audience will take away:
    • Practical tools and methods to explore and define their own "why."
    • Inspiration and motivation to pursue goals with renewed passion and determination.
    • Clarity on how to integrate personal values and motivations into their everyday lives and long-term aspirations.
  • The new you - A rebrand or recharge feeling stuck in a rut? Longing for a change?
    Join Jana Pittman, world-class athlete and doctor, as she explores the concept of transformation. Is it about a complete rebrand, or simply a chance to recharge? Jana will share her own story of reinvention, transitioning from the track to the world of medicine. Discover how to assess your needs, reignite your passions, and embrace lifelong learning. Learn practical strategies to develop a growth mindset, build resilience, and unlock your full potential. This inspiring talk will leave you empowered to craft a "New You" that's authentic, fulfilling, and ready to conquer any challenge. Jana's keynote "The New You - A Rebrand or Recharge" encourages audiences to embrace change and transformation, providing them with practical insights and motivational guidance to navigate transitions effectively and pursue growth with resilience and purpose.
    What the audience will learn:
    • The importance of periodically reassessing personal and professional goals, values, and identity.
    • Strategies for embracing and navigating change effectively.
    • Practical tips for professional rebranding or personal rejuvenation.
    • The role of adaptation, resilience, and self-discovery in personal transformation.
    • How to cultivate a mindset that embraces growth and opportunity in evolving circumstances.
      What the audience will take away:
    • Insights into the significance of continuous personal and professional development.
    • Practical tools and strategies for navigating transitions and fostering personal growth.
    • Increased self-awareness and clarity in defining personal goals and values.
    • Motivation to take proactive steps towards achieving personal and professional fulfilment.
  • Team building and leadership building champions: Teamwork and leadership lessons from Jana Pittman
    Unleash the winning team within! Jana Pittman, World Champion and champion leader, shares her insights on building high-performing teams. Discover how she fostered collaboration and maximised individual strengths to achieve collective success. Learn about her "cascading leadership" method, effective communication strategies, and the importance of building trust. Through captivating stories from her athletic career and medical experiences Jana will inspire you to create a culture of excellence, empower your team, and achieve extraordinary results together. Jana's keynote "Team Building and Leadership" equips audiences with valuable insights and actionable strategies to foster effective teamwork, enhance leadership capabilities, and drive success through collaboration and shared purpose. What the audience will learn:
    • Strategies for fostering a cohesive and collaborative team environment.
    • Techniques for enhancing communication and maximising individual strengths within teams.
    • The importance of effective leadership in motivating and empowering team members.
    • Practical tips for developing and strengthening leadership qualities and team dynamics.
      What the audience will take away:
    • Enhanced understanding of the key components of effective teamwork and leadership.
    • Practical tools and strategies for building and leading successful teams.
    • Motivation to empower team members towards achieving common goals and fostering a supportive team culture.
    • Actionable insights from Jana's experiences that can be applied to improve team dynamics and achieve collective success.
  • Rising to the challenge: Tricks & tips
    World Champion and doctor Jana Pittman isn't just a gold medallist; she's a master of overcoming challenges. Join her in this interactive keynote packed with practical tools and strategies. Learn how Jana tackled setbacks, maximised her potential, and achieved peak performance. Explore goal-setting techniques, methods for building resilience, and tips for staying motivated. Whether you're facing personal goals or professional hurdles, Jana's insights and wit will equip you with the "tricks & tips" to conquer any challenge and rise to the top. Jana's keynote "Rising to the Challenge: Tricks & Tips" empowers audiences to adopt a proactive approach to challenges, equipping them with practical skills and a resilient mindset to thrive in dynamic environments.
    What the audience will learn:
    • Techniques for building resilience and maintaining motivation in the face of adversity.
    • Strategies for staying focused and productive under pressure.
    • How to turn setbacks into stepping stones for personal and professional growth.
    • The importance of mindset and positive thinking in achieving goals.
    • Practical tips for navigating challenges and achieving success. 
      What the audience will take away:
    • A deeper understanding of their own resilience and capabilities.
    • Practical tools and strategies to apply when facing challenges in their personal and professional lives.
    • Inspiration and motivation to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
    • Increased confidence in navigating obstacles and setbacks.
    • Insights into maintaining focus and motivation to achieve their goals.






Testimonials for Jana Pittman

Jana engaged so beautifully with the audience and they responded so well to her brutally honest, funny, sincere and warm presentation. Jana was casual and confident yet humble and open. Such a good fit.
Isolated Children's and Parents Association

Jana is amazing!! She was exactly what we were looking for in a speaker whose story demonstrates true resilience and the ability to adapt and overcome. Jana's delivery was relatable and down to earth and hit the mark regarding the brief. She made the audience laugh and cry. She inspired many to engage in some self-reflection and soul searching in their own life journey. Jana took the time to speak with audience members before and after her presentation which was lovely and further demonstrated what a wonderful human she is. 
NSW Rural Fire Service

Professional, related well to the audience.
Australian Dental Industry Association

Jana was relatable, open and connected with our audience. Our conference feedback rated Jana as the best speaker we have ever had, and given we witness 3-6 speakers per year, that's impressive! 
City Venue Management

Jana was a relatable speaker with an inspirational message that touched a lot of guests. Her down to earth approach was engaging and honest. We have had many positive comments and would have no hesitation in recommending her as a future speaker. 
Hunter Women in Business Network Newcastle

So lovely and easy to talk to, the audience loved Jana and she was happy to take photos, chat to the team and had a wealth of knowledge!
Latrobe Health Services

Great communication in the lead up, professional, great presentation, personable, chatted to delegates before and after presentation, very engaging.
Loan Market Group

Jana Pittman was down to earth, engaging and had a wonderful story to tell. Her story resonated with the team and they enjoyed her presentation immensely. An absolute joy and inspiration.
Kimberly-Clarke Professional

Jana Pittman was excellent. She has a close association with Blacktown City in terms of her work and training. She has done some promotional and fundraising with some sporting groups/clubs in the area and some people know her well from our awards night.
Blacktown City Council